The Daily Stone Cold Jam

A Stone Cold Jam is a song of violent eye-socket imploding brilliance. It is likely to be a loud song, fairly mindless, with lots of grunting. Fountains of Wayne? Not so much. AC/DC? Wire? Boredoms? Fela Kuti? Well, yes. These bands can rock THE STONE COLD JAM. This is my diary of Stone Cold Jams I have known.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Stone Cold Jam #7: The Mob Rules (Black Sabbath/Ronnie James Dio)

The Band: Black Sabbath w/Ronnie James Dio

The Album: The Mob Rules (1981)

I AM RONNIE JAMES DIO. I am a sawed-off guinea runt from New Hampshire with poodle hair and one buttock, and by rights I should installing car stereos in Perth Amboy.

But through some strange calculus, I have been made lead singer of Black bloody Sabbath. I have Geezer Butler and the mighty Tony Iommi at my call. I also somehow ended up with Carmen Appice from Vanilla Fudge's BROTHER on drums, but hey, you can't have everything.

I was Ritchie Blackmore's bitch in Rainbow, and I will be subjecting the world to middling synthesizer Dungeons and Dragons metal by mid-decade, so this is my Lawnmower Man moment. I AM GOD HERE. And for the next three minutes and fourteen seconds I am going to claw at the sunlight and gulp the sweet air like an escaped Man in an Iron Mask.

So sit back and share this fleeting moment when I totally give myself over to my moment of shrieking like Shiva over Iommi's detuned Panzer assault.

Be there when I claw my way to the top of the douchebag pyramid and catch a glimpse of the Sun.

Please like me.

(Seriously, this is about as good as early 80s metal gets. It is A STONE COLD JAM.)


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