The Daily Stone Cold Jam

A Stone Cold Jam is a song of violent eye-socket imploding brilliance. It is likely to be a loud song, fairly mindless, with lots of grunting. Fountains of Wayne? Not so much. AC/DC? Wire? Boredoms? Fela Kuti? Well, yes. These bands can rock THE STONE COLD JAM. This is my diary of Stone Cold Jams I have known.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Stone Cold Jam #5: Gris-Gris Gumbo Yaya (Dr. John)

The Artist: Dr. John

The Album: Gris-gris (1968)

The New York sewer is the home to the GIANT ALBINO ALLIGATOR, a moonlight pale monstro that competes with the C.H.U.D.s for the choicest pieces of offal that tumble down like manna from the constant flushing of the Five Boroughs. A good day might shake out a couple of dozen fingers, detached accidently or not, along with gerbils, parakeets and the more protein rich HUMAN EFFLUVIA.

In napoleonic sewers of New Orleans, there are no alligators. There is, however, Le Grand Zombie himself, Dr. John the Gris-gris Man, riding around in a jewel encrusted Gondola, looking like a goddamn zombie dope peddlar in three inch cuban heels.

This song is Dr. John's CV. It busts a funky mandolin and moves at the speed of a summertime sewer. It is slow, and it gives you the junkie fear. Goddamn, this is a good song. It is a STONE COLD JAM.


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